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September 06, 2017 2 min read 2 Comments

Get the Free Instant Download of the Character Bookmarks Stencil Template!

Back to school means book reports, binders and backpacks are now part of the weekday hustle. You may have spent time carefully labeling school supplies and trying to keep things organized.

Or, you may have misplaced your social studies binder because it was accidentally marked music...ahem, not that we know anyone who did that.

Well, just in case you can relate, or you love special ways to mark the page in your current chapter book, we created 5 corner bookmark templates that you can make with your MYNT3D 3D pen.

3D Printing Pen DIY Bookmarks

Supplies for back to school projects with the MYNT3D printing pen | Make 5 different corner bookmark designs with the free template stencils, instantly download now


MYNT3D professional printing pen

ABS 1.75mm filament

Scissors for cutting filament ends

(Optional) Sticky tack for spacing and positioning pieces

3D printing pen stencils - free template download from MYNT3D for organizing and decorating books, notebooks and binders for back to school style

1. Start by downloading the Corner Bookmarks Template. Use your printer settings to scale template if desired. 

2. Start heating your 3D pen. When it reaches the proper temperature, load the background color filament of your chosen bookmark design.

3. Trace over both the inner and outer edges of the color shape. Then fill in the center, stroking back and forth in a zig zag motion. Note: Design pieces that are outside of the triangle and attach to the leg of the triangle should be drawn separately and attached during the assembly process. See Step 7. 

4. Reverse out the filament and load a new color. Continue filling in the design, leaving fine details like the eyes for last.

How to make animal and superhero bookmarks with the MYNT3D printing pen | Download the free template instantly and start creating fun kids projects  for back to school

5. To make the back piece, go over the entire triangle with a single color. Tip: the back side is a great place to write your name, grade or class subject. Use a coordinating filament color to do so.

6. To assemble, hold the front and back pieces slightly apart and connect with the 3D pen. Tip: this is where you can use sticky tack to hold the pieces in place while you work.

7. Slip in the extraneous detail pieces that go outside the triangle, such as the sock monkey ears and the ties of the ninja turtle mask. Note: pieces that attach to the hypotenuse of triangle can be drawn along with the rest of the front design of the bookmark.

Customized bookmarks will make the reading journey easier and special, make them today for you, your loved ones or little geniuses Visit the project page of the #MYNT3D website to get all 5 design templatesLearn how to make the Batman superhero bookmark with the MYNT3D printing pen with the free printable template on the projects page of the websiteWhat did the fox say? Make this cute fox kids craft with the MYNT3D printing pen and the free printable template stencil which you can instantly download off the projects page of the website

2 Responses

Cristin from MYNT3D
Cristin from MYNT3D

December 27, 2017

To access the free PDF templates, click on the words in the post “Character Bookmarks stencil template”


December 27, 2017

Where are the TEMPLATES though?

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