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May 19, 2017 3 min read

Get the Free Instant Download of the Patriotic Projects Template!

America's holidays bring so much to enjoy, like warm weather, get togethers with friends and family, and best of all, fun crafting projects!

Whether you're celebrating hosting a Memorial Day picnic, celebrating Flag Day at school or decorating for the Fourth of July, we have some easy 3D printing pen projects to kick off the patriotic season. Today we're going to make:

  1. Stars and Bottles Ring Toss
  2. Patriotic Wreath Embellishments
  3. Americana Holiday Mason Jars

    Let's hear it for red, while and blue!

    Stars and Bottles Ring Toss

    Thinking of creating a DIY lawn game for the kids and adults? A ring toss is simple, colorful and customizable. With your 3D printing pen, you can make stars in varying sizes to accommodate all skill levels.

    Make DIY outdoor party games for adults and kids with MYNT3D professional printing pen


    MYNT3D professional printing pen

    Red and blue 1.75mm filament

    3- 6 bottles filled with water

    (Optional) Food coloring to dye water in bottles

    Make many Patriotic 3D printing pen projects using the MYNT3D pen and the free downloadable design template

    1. Start by downloading the Patriotic Projects Template. Use your printer settings to scale template if desired. 

    2. Start heating your 3D pen. When it reaches the proper temperature, load either red or blue filament.

    3. Trace over both the inner and outer edges of the largest star. Then fill in the center, stroking back and forth in a zig zag motion.

    4. Repeat with a couple layers of filament until the star shape is sturdy and firm.

    Make a DIY ring toss game with star-shaped rings made with a MYNT3D professional printing pen, dye the water in matching bottles with gel food coloring

    5. Make several stars to toss so multiple players can play at one. Recommended: 3 Blue and 3 Red.

    6. Fill bottles with water and set in a tray or shallow box. To make the game more festive, add red or blue food coloring to the water in the bottles.

    7. Optional: Decorate the bottle box or tray with more stars or USA letters from the Patriotic Projects template.

    Patriotic Wreath Embellishments

    Show off your American pride and bedazzle your door with an easy Independence Day wreath. Here's the best part. DIY wreaths can be very time consuming, but we've got a shortcut that will demonstrate your crafting prowess and leave time to whip up the potato salad.


    DIY wreath for Independence Day, 4th of July, Flag Day and the Olympics | Embellishments made with MYNT3D professional printing pen


    MYNT3D professional printing pen

    Red and blue 1.75mm filament

    Foam wreath form

    Red, white and blue groisgrain ribbon



    Hot glue

    1. Wrap your wreath form in red and white ribbon, one half red, the other white. Pin down ends and intermittently along the back.

    2. Start heating your 3D pen. When it reaches the proper temperature, load blue filament.

    3. Trace over small and medium stars from the template. Then fill in the center, stroking back and forth in a zig zag motion.

    4. Trace the outline of USA and fill in.

    5. Arrange and glue blue stars to the white half of the wreath. OR add string, like an ornament and attach to top f wreath to hang in the center.

    6. Glue USA to red, lower half of wreath. Adorn with stars.

    Americana Holiday Mason Jars

    Picnic and Party decorating ideas for celebrating America's holidays Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, Fourth of July, and Flag day with crafts and projects using the MYNT3D printing pen

    It seems that you cannot decorate for any holiday without mason jars, but especially our outdoor holidays. They're great containers for plastic utensils, tea lights and centerpieces. The key is dressing them up to go with your celebration.

    So when it comes to Memorial Day, Flag Day and the Fourth of July, add some colorful stars with red and white baker's twine and you're ready to party like it's 1776.

    Note: One of the awesome benefits of crafting with a 3D pen is the ease in which you can add lettering to your projects. 

    Have you ever been to a party where the silverware is set out with the part you put in your mouth sticking up. How many people have touched what's going in your mouth? At the same time it's difficult to know which utensil is in the container if it isn't arranged that way. What's a host to do?

    For this project we labeled the stars so that design meets function and equals hygiene.

    Problem solved forever.

    Get the Free Instant Download of the Patriotic Projects Template!

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