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September 13, 2017 1 min read

Get the Free Instant Download of the Bugs Projects Template!

I'm not going to lie, fake bugs are super fun, especially for playing practical jokes.

And with Halloween right around the corner, they can have a prominent place in the season's decor.

With the right filament, you can make all kinds of bugs to suit your jokes...errr, I mean, needs.

Let's get started! 

Free template for the MYNT3D printing pen | makes bugs like cockroaches, fireflies, cicadas and centipedes with a 3D pen


MYNT3D professional printing pen

Brown, tan and black 1.75mm filament

Wooden chopstick or skewer

3D printing pen bugs, cockroaches, centipedes, cicadas and firefly are fun to make and play with | get the project tutorial, video instructions and free stencil template from MYNT3D

1. Start by downloading the Bugs Projects Template. Use your printer settings to scale the template to get different sizes of bugs. 

2. Start heating your 3D pen. When it reaches the proper temperature, load the black or brown filament depending on your bug of choice.

3. Trace over the outer edges of the bug. Then fill in the center, stroking back and forth in a zig zag motion.

4. To easily add height to for the body of the cockroach and cicada, lay a stick down the center and draw over it.

5. For the cockroach, draw the legs separately so they can be attached perpendicular to the body.

6. For the cicada and firefly, draw the wings separately then attach with the 3D pen.

FUN TIP: Try using glow-in-the-dark filament!

Once you've made all your bugs, get your creative juices flowing once again to have some humorous fun...like putting one in a jar and "accidentally" letting it fall out. Oops!

Or hide them in various places and await a shocking discovery...such as in a locker, bed, shoes...the list goes on.

Make bugs with your 3D printing pen to play practical jokes on friends and family | Trick or Treat games for Halloween or April Fools Day from MYNT3D

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